Thursday 29 September 2011

Excuses X4

I've been a terrible blogger recently. Well, I probably shouldn't even be calling myself a blogger seeing as I haven't posted since the 8th September... OMG I DIDN'T REALISE  IT WAS THAT BAD! Anyway, I have a few excuses...

  1. I've been back at school which has already been very demanding 
  2. I haven't taken any pictures, so hopefully on payday (which leads me on to my next excuse) I might treat myself to a compact digital camera, or I may just wait until I can afford an iPhone
  3. I started my new job at Sainsburys
  4. But mainly I just haven't had anything interesting to write about
So, really this was just a post to make sure you all know I'm still alive and to make a few excuses. Hopefully when I get the time and stop being so lazy, I'll post a review on the Models Own nail varnish I finally received and some ELF make-up products.

Chow for now,

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