Friday, 1 November 2013

Insta Update #1: University Life

Leaving home | University of Leeds | Multivitamins for Freshers Week | Wretch 32 | Cheeky little Superdrug Haul | Selfie  
Attempt at eating healthily | Nail painting session | Standard Domino's | Topshop/RI Haul | Magnum and Tartan PJ's
Oreo Cheesecake | Dirty Dancing | Best Nandos EVER | New Shoes | Vamping it up for Halloween
*Brushes dust off blog*... hey guys! Well it's certainly been a pretty long time since I've blogged - what's new there really? At least this time I truly have a massive excuse, I only went and moved to university. I can now officially say that I am a student at the University of Leeds! I've been here for almost six weeks now without going home, which is actually pretty crazy. As expected it's been a mix of ups and downs - and Domino's, vodka and power naps - but all in all I am absolutely loving it. I've been extremely lucky to meet so many lovely people at university. Obviously it's still early days so sometimes it can get a bit lonely but I'm throwing myself into university life (and bottles of wine) as much as I can. Apart from developing a slightly worrying addiction to spaghetti hoops, I have also successfully gained a position on the PR team for the HerCampus Leeds online magazine which I'm so excited about getting involved in, you can check the website out here.

I should also probably mention that I have FINALLY got a new phone! The amazing Samsung Galaxy S4 - so after many years I've finally been able to become that person instagramming their food in the middle of a restaurant and damn it feels good. You can follow me here!

Anyway, I'm now going to return to nursing my halloween hangover. 
Might be back soon!
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